What's Involved

This qualification supports those working in the care sector to build knowledge and understanding, to be able to develop their performance within the workplace.

To complete the Level 3 Diploma in Care, a total of 58 credits must be achieved. The diploma itself is made up of several mandatory units such as Safeguarding, Duty of Care and Health and Safety.

It is also made up of optional units which can be both tailored to either the carer's responsibilities and/or new subject areas.


Following enrolment, learners engage in a blended programme of training and support that will include attendance at group training sessions, self-directed learning, email and face-to-face support from their trainer/assessor as well as a programme of training devised by the employer.

The length of the programme will differ depending on experience, knowledge and skills development but the course should usually take 8 months.

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Avenues of progression include:

  • Specialised qualifications that focus on particular areas of Health & Social Care
  • Level 4 Health and Social Care
  • Level 3 Team Leading
  • Level 3 End of Life
  • Level 3 Dementia


The course fees are £1500 per person. (VAT inclusive)

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