Strategic Development Fund to focus on the health and care sector

SBC Training has been successful in its bid for Strategic Development Fund cash for a Government-backed scheme across the Marches region.
Telford College headed up a joint bid, which also included SBC Training along with Shrewsbury Colleges Group and Herefordshire, Ludlow and North Shropshire College.
Discussions will be held with the various stakeholders to discover more about the value of funds secured for the pilot and discuss targets and objectives.
The Government says the aim of the pilots is to ‘begin building the local collaborations that will create a stronger and more efficient overall delivery infrastructure and support a more coordinated offer across the local area’.
Colin Thaw, Managing Director of SBC Training said:
‘We’re delighted that the Marches partnership has been successful in securing this funding to drive strategic curriculum collaboration. It is a welcome boost to the region and will aid the post-pandemic recovery. We are excited that the investment will help us to develop digital technologies to support education and training for the health and social care sector.’