First Aid

Award in First Aid - 3 Day

Posted: 14th Jan, 2019

Sector: First Aid

This award is perfect for people who are starting work or who are already working within an environment where there is a need for a fully trained first aider. This award supports people who need to act as a first aider in their workplace under the Health and Safety Regulations 1981.

The programme is run over a three day period.

Upcoming Course Schedule

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What's Involved

Various areas are covered in the qualification including:

  • Suspected Spinal Injuries
  • Incident Management
  • Major Illness
  • Minor Injuries
  • CPR and AED
  • Head and Chest Injuries
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Sudden Poisoning


This award is delivered using classroom based teaching which involves a mixture of theoretical and practical work. Learners must undertake practical assessment of their competence along with a short open response knowledge assessment, where learners are required to provide a short response to a prescribed series of questions.

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Individuals who achieve this award can progress on to more specialised qualifications that focus on particular areas of First Aid.


Book your place now at £175 + VAT per person.

Just looking to re-qualify? Book onto our 2-day refresher course for only £125 + VAT per person.

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